• Comparing estimates across years for PUMS data

    Hello, I am a 1st year demography graduate student.  I do not have a strong background in statistics, but I am doing my best to learn.

    I am looking for a method of comparing estimates across years for statistical significance for a statistic derived from…


    Does anyone know how to download the PUMS replicate weights (all 80 of them) using the API ?  When I try to list all 80 variable in the API call I get the ERROR: "error: 'get' is limited to 50 variables."  Is there a way to download the…

  • current 5 year PUMS and PUMAs

    Sorry to be dense but what is the latest 5 year PUMS data and what year PUMAs does it use ?  Can't see to locate info using google.

    Thanks !

  • Obtaining ACS 2015-2019 PUMS replicate weights

    Can someone please tell where to obtain 2015-2019 ACS PUMS replicate weights. I do not see the option of obtaining the replicate weights in the data.census.gov micro data. And I do not know how to use the FTP files. Do one or more of them contain the…

  • PUMS Training


    I'd love to get acquainted with using PUMS data. What is a good, free training resource that I can use?



  • Undesrstanding VAL=-1 (Home value) in PUMS ACS5 Microdata

    Hello All,

    I'm fairly new to the PUMS Microdata. I'm using the ACS5 2018 vintage. My question is about those with a null (-1) Home Sale Price value (variable VAL). 

    I'm only dealing with household heads (SPORDER=1). I first filtered out all group…

  • PUMS ACS codebook and the mysterious "b" code

    Does anyone know how the Census assigns the PUMS codebook value "b" code to a text value in the downloaded (API) data?

    I was looking at the LNGI "Limited English speaking household" PUMS variable.  When you fetch PUMS data via the API…

  • U.S. Census Bureau Releases New 2022 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-Year PUMS and ACS 1-Year Supplemental Estimates

    2022 ACS 1-Year Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) Files 

    We are pleased to announce the release of the 2022 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) files. The PUMS files show the full range of population and housing unit…

  • RE: Merging the Population and Household PUMS data

    Can you post the code that precedes the joins and then the code for the joins itself? It would also help if the PUMS variables are explicitly listed. Thank you

  • RE: Beginner seeks advice on PUMS returns: Are R and tidycensus the best route?

    Thank you for that information. I look forward to using this in the future. It's great to know that more is available.Thank you very much for responding. I know more about publishing and policy (www.publicpolicypress.com), if you have questions on…