• RE: Table not generating data

    Gottcha. The MDAT system is still in Beta testing, so I suspect there may be something that isn't working quite right. (Colleagues and PRB and I also could not get results.)
    So for now I would suggest downloading the PUMS tables and using STATA.

  • Calculating Standard Error of A Median in SAS

    Working with 2016 ACS PUMS data. Can anyone share how to get the standard error for a median using SAS? For example, if one was looking for the median of gross rent, it's easy enough to multiply grntp by adjhsg and find the median, but how do you calculate…

  • RE: sum of grouped PUMA estimates within a state not equalling state estimate

    Is the state-level estimate that you're trying to match from the published 05-07 tables? If so, those estimates cannot be matched exactly by the PUMS estimates because the PUMS data is a sub-sample from the full sample which is used to create the published…
  • RE: Same Sex married Couples

    What geographic level are you looking for?
    National, single-year data (through 2015) can be found at www.census.gov/.../ssc-house-characteristics.html
    But I also do not recall seeing small-area data in any of the summary files (and I did recently look…
  • RE: technical difference between B17024 and S1702 and B17012

    Hi Beth,

    The difference between Table B17024 and Tables S1702 and B17012 is the unit of analysis. Table B17024 has children as the unit of analysis while Tables S1702 and B17012 have families as the unit of analysis. Which one you use depends on your…
  • RE: microdata and filter by MSA

    Yes, the policy for geographic information in public use microdata is to identify no sub-state entities other than Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs) which are specialized units required to have at least 100,000 residents each, helping to protect the ide…

  • Multiple jobs?

    Does anyone know if it's possible in the PUMS person-level file to know if a person is working multiple jobs?
  • RE: (lack of) transportation among older adults

    Gwendolyn: Table B25045 provides the number of SENIOR HOUSEHOLDERS with 0, 1, 2, 3, etc, vehicles in the household. The 18,013 is an estimate of senior households, not all persons age 65+ with zero vehicles in the household. It's a conservative estimate…

  • RE: Group quarter population

    Good morning Grigoris -

    Yes--if you can find a GQ table to pair up with the total population table, subtracting the two will give you an estimate of household population for that group (e.g. Hispanic/Latino total minus Hispanic/Latino GQ = Hispanic/Latino…

  • Design Factor for Poverty Status



    I'm looking to cross tabulate a few different variables with a dichotomous poverty variable (below threshold or not) in the 1-year PUMS.  I derived the poverty status variable by recoding the income to poverty ratio.  Unfortunately the statistical…