• 2011-2015 estimates for summary level 70 (geographic Type: Place/Remainder (or Part)

    Hello, I am trying to find 2011-2015 ACS data for Summary Level 70, and I noticed that there are only 16 tables available in the 2011-2015 estimates. However, 897 tables are available from 2009-2013 estimates for the same geography. Michigan is a MCD…

  • RE: Downloading large files

    The ZCTA data (zip code tabulation areas) are only available in the US file, if you're looking for the ACS summary file data. I actually have it imported into Access. The files are big, but if you want it let me know and I can post a link to it on my…
  • RE: Error in sequence file or table shells file for 2013?

    Another "gotcha" now that the 3-year data is out: The ACS2013_TableShells.xlsx file contains rows for the new tables B2800x, but these tables don't exist in the 3-year summary file.
  • RE: Anyone know where to get the big data files?

    Just received this word from Tom Edwards at the Census Bureau:

    "Per our conversation, the SDCs alerted the Census Bureau late yesterday that our ACS 2014 5-Year Summary File was not available during embargo. We are very appreciative of that notification…
  • ACS 2014 Table Metadata File

    Attached is a metadata file for both the 2014 1-year and 5-year I created from the ACS 1- year Seq_Table_Number_Lookup Excel file and from Glenn Rice’s modified 5-year shell file. I added fields for record (person/housing) and topic to allow for better…
  • Error in new Table Shells file (2015 1-year)

    Anyone using the table shells file for ETL should be aware that the "UniqueID" column contains incorrect data for any table having 10 or more lines. It's easily fixed with an Excel formula like CONCATENATE(A5,TEXT(B5,"000")). 

  • ACS 2014 5-year data in MS Access files

    Hi all,

    As I did with the 2013 ACS 5-Year data, I now have the 2014 ACS 5-year data in MS Access files for a handful of states. Most of these are western states as these are ones I'm directly working with, but if you have a need for the data in Access…
  • RE: ACS Table Format (Download One State)

    Hi Doug,

    This seems like an application for the summary files (if you don't want to go the traditional data.census.gov route).  The summary files are table-based, so you could build a list of your desired table names and then loop through the summary…

  • Here's a "fixed" table shells file for this week's release

    I just spent a couple hours manually stripping all tables that are NOT included in the 2014 5-year release, out of the 2014 table shells file. Here it is!

    [Updated on 11/30/2015 5:01 PM]
  • Importing the geography file into Access 2007

    Does anybody have advice or experience importing the 5yr 2012 ACS geography file into an Access 2007 database? I'm running into problems where the fields aren't matching up in the same way as the 2010 5-yr geography file did.

    Any thoughts / advice…