• Downloading large files

    How does one download the entire ACS 2011-2015 dataset for every zip code fully or partially within a state?

  • Uninsured Estimates

    I am seeking zip code level estimates for uninsured adults (age 18/19-64) who are </=138% FPL. 

    So: Zip X Health Insurance X Age X Poverty Ratio

    From what I can tell, I able to get a combination for up to three of the four variables I need, but not all…

  • 2010 94-171 Redistricting Data Summary Files

    I need to get small area data on children by race/ethnicity. Ideally I'd like to get the number of children in a zip code by race/ethnicity for any year 2010 or later. I'm having trouble finding data like this on data.census.gov. Alternatively, I could…

  • RE: Unemployment Data

    Hi! First off, no need to apologize for any questions, questions are why this forum is here!

    The first thing to know is that there is no April 2021 ACS data. ACS data is released annually, and as you've found, the most recent estimates go up to 2019.…

  • RE: Percent Change Between two estimates from non-overlapping ACS 5 Year Surveys

    Thanks for the insight.

    Did click the link and it appears to only address the various confidence intervals, at 90%, 95% and 99%.

    For additional context, if the current and prior estimates pertain to estimates of average earnings for a particular zip code…

  • U.S. Census Bureau Releases 2019-2023 ACS 5-Year Estimates

    December 12, 2024

    We are pleased to announce the release of the 2019-2023 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates, the most relied-on source for up-to-date social, economic, housing, and demographic information every year. To access data from…

  • New version of Geocorr available with 2020 geographies

    I know this isn't strictly ACS-related, but I just wanted to let everyone know we have a new version of our popular Geocorr application available at the MCDC website. The new version uses vintage 2020 census geographies. 

    Geocorr (for geographic correspondence…

  • RE: Need information specific for Bamberg, Orangeburg, Calhoun Counties in South Carolina (I am new to this)


    There are many ways to access the data you are looking for (and others may have different suggestions), but I think the simplest for someone who is (as you self-described) "new to this" might be the QuickFacts

    Here's Orangeburg: 

  • RE: Margin of Error vs. Geography in the ACS

    You may want to mention that the main two determinants of the MoE are the sample size, as the square root of the n (lower for a tract than for a county, in most situations), roughly (there are technicalities), and the mean income itself. I think of income…
  • RE: Census Bureau plans to stop production of 3-year ACS data

    Though I hate to see datasets discontinued, this is the best candidate for elimination. The 1-year offers the most timely results and the 5-year offers aggregation at the smallest level (Block Group) and ZIP Code Tabulation Area. The 3-year offers none…