• RE: Geographic Mobility

    I would think it's the percent of the total (first column, labeled "Total"). So, using your example, people who have a bachelor's degree and moved from a different state would be 2.7% of 43,585,028 (total in first column).


  • Calculating SE for SAIPE & SAHIE


    I have a question that is not directly related to ACS but pertains to SAHIE and SAIPE. Since I couldn't locate a forum specifically dedicated to SAHIE and SAIPE and could not find this information, I'm reaching out here in the hope of finding…

  • Coefficient of Variation are super high in the bicycle commute data, ACS_14_5YR_S0801 , almost all higher than 30, poor reliability?

    Curious how to interpret this data set? other than with extreme caution? Used the below method to calculate the CVS and almost all of them are greater than 30.

    • Is this data too unreliable to use? 


    Calculating the Coefficient of Variation (CV)


  • MOE > value

    There are a number of 0 (and small) values where the margin of error is huge compared to the value, e.g. 0 +/- 15 Black / African-American residents of Burt, MI.

    Similarly, the CI can be a big proportion of the value, e.g. the 2018 5-year estimate for…

  • SPSS Complex Sample module to obtain MOE in IPUMS-USA

    Does anyone have experience or guidance for the use of the SPSS Complex Sample module to obtain the Margin of Error in the 2016 - 2020 5-year IPUMS-USA dataset? I reviewed the discouraging comments posted in the forum 6 years ago. 

    I included STRATA, CLUSTER…

  • RE: 2020 ACS 5 Year estimates

    Hi Liliam -

    In a typical year there is not much change from one 5-year ACS estimate to the next because 4 of the 5 years are the same (data for 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 show up in both the 2019 5-year and 2020 5-year). In addition the number of households…

  • Sampling bias in ACS estimates and isolation indices

    It's known that segregation indices calculated using ACS tract data can be upwardly biased (see Napierala and Denton (2017) for a discussion of how the dissimilarity index can be biased: 10.1007/s13524-016-0545-z, Logan 2018, Reardon et al 2018 for…

  • RE: Statistical significance using PUMS data

    Hi Stas, I use a combination of R and Excel.  I'm still sort of a novice at R, so I clean and recode data in R and then export it to Excel.  In Excel I use pivot tables to calculate margins of error.

  • Comparing ACS estimates to 2010 decennial estimates

    I'd like to compare some ACS estimates to decennial Census figures and assess the statistical significance of changes. (In this case, population totals for Congressional districts.)

    I don't see margins of error for decennial Census figures, presumably…

  • RE: children in poverty by race at the county level

    Dear Gene,

    You need to sum/combine across the 3 age categories that you want.  The calculation (including MoE - margin of error) is in https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2018/acs/acs_general_handbook_2018_ch08.pdf

    For a percent…