• MOE for Migration Data


    I am a bit confused on the county-county migration MOE's, specifically for the geographical mobility estimates for each county. The documentation just says this:

    "the files also contain additional geographical mobility estimates for each county…

  • Clean data downloads?

    I'm a non-profit researcher and policy analyst and I feel like I'm constantly banging my head against a wall to download ACS data in a usable format. I have decent statistical analysis and data analysis chops but I am not a coder.

    For example…

  • RE: Statistical testing tool question

    I think you leave out the +/- sign. As far as I know, the math equation the tool uses is:
    absolute value of estimate1 - estimate 2 / square root of MOE1^2 + MOE2^2
    Since the margins of error are squared in the equation, whether or not there's a plus…
  • RE: Summarizing 5 year PUMS data

    It sounds like you are trying to compare results from a summary of PUMS data to summary file data. Without more information on the specific topic/table you are trying to replicate, I can only provide general comments. Hopefully they help. For questions…

  • Message from Ari L.

    "Margin of Error by Geography in the ACS": www.arilamstein.com/.../
  • RE: Extracting demographic details in a single file from US census website

    To follow up on Beth's posting, (I don't think that this solution will be very satisfying but ) I use R and the API to combine across tables and geos. I wrote an R function(s) to do weighted sums, products and ratios across geos and table categories …

  • RE: variance estimates for 2020 ACS PUMS

    Thanks Alicia.  I had read that readme doc but I was looking for more detailed explanations.  One of the Census research paper explains a bit better why the reduced variance estimates are an essential byproduct of entrophy-balanced weights (See page 33…

  • RE: Variances in Census Block data for two files

    Thanks Mark! It's curious that there would be such a high margin of error. Do you have any insight into that?
  • Question about missing MOE


    This is a pretty basic question but I can't seem to find a concise explanation online, and I'm pretty new to the ACS!  I'm just looking up general data on the racial/ethnic make-up of Illinois and Illinois counties in 2016 (using 2012-2016…