• RE: I'm finally starting to run tabulations from the new 5 year file ...

    Hi Robin,

    The second question is easiest to answer – use the Pwgtp column to calculate total number of people. For each line in the spreadsheet, Pwgtp can be compared to LoVal and HiVal to see how accurate the number is (LoVal and HiVal are just Pwgtp…
  • Discrepancy in population totals between DP05 and summed tract-level values from B01001 tables?

    I’ve recently identified an unusual discrepancy in city population values between ACS tables and would be grateful for anyone's expertise in examining this issue. I’ve summarized the problem below.

     We are interested in the total population…

  • RE: S1701 Data at Block Group Level

    OK, I'm new and I also use S1701, I have never seen block level data through data.census.gov in any table. I don't think I have seen block group or group block either, but I think its listed.  https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/geography…

  • RE: ACS Commuting Data

    Yes, there is a special, commissioned product with tabulations of commute flows from ACS.

    The Census Transpo Planning Product (CTPP) database is paid for by State DOTs, AASHTO, etc.  When Census delivers it, it's published on an AASHTO website:  http…

  • RE: urban v rural

    "Who should you believe?" GREAT question. 

    You should believe the Federal Register Notice published March 2022  https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/03/24/2022-06180/urban-area-criteria-for-the-2020-census-final-criteria 

    It is remarkable…

  • using replicate weights

    I am using the 5-years estimates (2010-2014) and I am attempting to make PUMA level estimates for American Indians and Alaska Natives who use Indian Health Services (a combination of the race and health insurance variable), and I am using the replicate…

  • using replicate weights in stata

    I am using the 5-years estimates (2010-2014) and I am attempting to make PUMA level estimates for American Indians and Alaska Natives who use Indian Health Services (a combination of the race and health insurance variable), and I am using the replicate…

  • RE: Race/Ethnicity Breakdown help

    There are several questions on this thread. Here are some at least partial answers:

    1. ACS data is annual. there are no monthly figures available. Monthly unemployment by race and other subgroups might be available through the BLS, but I am unsure…
  • Near Poverty

    I'm looking to classify persons as being in "near poverty" As I understand, this is usually defined as a having an income above 100% of the poverty level with some upper cutoff, for example 125%.  I also understand that there is no uniform…

  • RE: how often does ZIP not equal ZCTA?

    Hi Joe, thanks for responding. Nearly infinite they may be, but the Census Bureau knows who they are and what their ZIPs and ZCTAs are. Presumably this knowledge is behind their "most instances" statement.

    I have a large dataset of people…