• RE: Suppressed data in the 2022 5-year estimates that have never been suppressed before

    Hi Preston, I received a reply from the subject matter experts. They wrote: "

    The suppressions for B19067 2022 5-year and 2021 5-year data are summarized in the table below for the two geographies.
    Data Year
  • Data Suppression Question

    I am looking at table B19013 for Median Household Income in a particular CBG (Block Group 4, Census Tract 42, Tulare County, California) and the 2021 5 year estimate is missing.  It was present in the 2019 5 year estimate table, however.  The guide to data…

  • Data Suppression 5-Year Estimates

    Two questions from reading up on ACS data suppression (https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/technical-documentation/data-suppression.html) as background for understanding why there might be missing estimates (-666666666) at the block group level…

  • cell suppression -6666666 code in tables downloaded using api

    Dear Folks,

    At some point I found a document that gives the meaning of table cell values like -66666666  or -5555555 etc. Does someone know where the documentation is ?  I'm using the API to download ACS tables.



  • Aggregate dollar values suppressed for small geos

    I'm looking at table B19067, "AGGREGATE PUBLIC ASSISTANCE INCOME IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2015 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) FOR HOUSEHOLDS". Looking at block groups, last year, for the 2010-2014 ACS, there were 131,952 block groups with data (the rest…

  • RE: 2015 Data Matching Issue

    I'd bet one set of numbers come from the 2015 5-year estimates and the other come from the 2015 1-year estimates. (Unfortunately, I find it's very common for research to cite a single year even when using 5-year estimates. The original data you're trying…

  • RE: State Labor Force data by race/ethnicity

    Here are a few ideas.

    If you need the civilian labor force specifically (not the total labor force) and are not concerned with age brackets then I would suggest using the C23002 series of tables. 

    C23002D - Asian Alone

    C23002G - Two or more races


  • RE: 2020 Decennial census DHC block level data

    Hi Dave. My advice is to use the IPUMS NHGIS website (https://data2.nhgis.org/main). Set the geography level to "block" and the year to "2020." You'll then be able to sort and filter the 147 source tables available at that level. You'll need to make a…

  • How to deal with negative income data in PUMS data

    Hello, I am using PUMS data to calculate the percentage of electricity cost to annual household income in an area. I notice that there are a lot of negative numbers in the household income. After aggregating my data by using R, I found the average percentage…