Happy New Year, everyone!
I am looking for percent rural and urban population and land area by counties for 2020 census. I am unable to locate this file. Any help is appreciated.
Even though it hasn't been updated since 2013, I really like the CDC's urban-rural classification system for counties:www.cdc.gov/.../urban_rural.htm
One of the "Urban and Rural" deliverables is the soon(?) upcoming release of the Census Blocks file, UR version, thru Census TIGER. This should be near-identical to the Census Blocks file, PL version,…
Jinx, Todd Graham! I owe you a Coke.
The only county data on rural status I know is USDA typology (though not-rural is not the same as urban)
there’s also Rural Urban Continuum codes above for counties which might help with the Urban part ( and also make some distinctions within rural counties)
—Tim Henderson
That ain't the half of it, Tim. Don't forget RUCAs, FORHP classifications, USDA Urban Influence Codes, Isserman Rural-Urban Density Codes, or any of the other two dozen or so rural definitions in use at various federal agencies.
just to state the obvious:
USDA/ERS's rural-urban continuum and these others are methodologically independent of USCB's urban-rural designations. But interesting. So... shop around for the classification scheme that fits your purpose.
Right you are, Todd. I was responding more to Tim than to Neel_2019.
Todd Graham said:shop around
Indeed, this is what I tell our clients & users:
Dept of Education urban/rural 12 category (4 major with 3 minor in each major) GIS layer -- https://nces.ed.gov/programs/edge/Geographic/LocaleBoundaries Todd Graham Tim Henderson
and "Census-defined" -- very interesting, Thanks Stas. At a glance looks like they're based on ZCTA so they can match school locations? This may be the first public data I've seen that attempts to define "suburban" -- some places have been doing that with aerial photography (NY Times) or other data tricks (Brookings)