Hi Everyone!
My goal is to find the 2019 mean travel time to work in the USA filtered for ages 20-64. I created a custom table employing the microdata access tool. If anyone could kindly review and confirm the validity of my calculations, it would greatly assist me.
First, I used table S0801 Commuting Characteristics by Sex. In the attached pictures (also in the attached excel file), I highlighted the relevant information for your convenience. The mean travel time to work for the total population is 27.6 minutes. However, I need to filter the data for ages 20-64.
I proceeded to use the microdata tool. Unsure of which weighting method would be best suited for my needs, I generated four tables, modifying the age range and the weighting methods. The first two tables replicate the S0801 calculation and arrive at the exact travel time estimate (27.6 minutes). Tables 3 and 4 filter the age range according to my needs (See attached picture and excel file):
Thank you very much for your assistance!
Travel Time Calculation ACS 2019.xlsx