Request for support confirming a calculation performed via the ACS microdata access tool

Hi Everyone!

My goal is to find the 2019 mean travel time to work in the USA filtered for ages 20-64. I created a custom table employing the microdata access tool. If anyone could kindly review and confirm the validity of my calculations, it would greatly assist me.

First, I used table S0801 Commuting Characteristics by Sex. In the attached pictures (also in the attached excel file), I highlighted the relevant information for your convenience. The mean travel time to work for the total population is 27.6 minutes. However, I need to filter the data for ages 20-64.

I proceeded to use the microdata tool. Unsure of which weighting method would be best suited for my needs, I generated four tables, modifying the age range and the weighting methods. The first two tables replicate the S0801 calculation and arrive at the exact travel time estimate (27.6 minutes). Tables 3 and 4 filter the age range according to my needs (See attached picture and excel file):

  • Table 1: Household weight, ages 1-99
  • Table 2: PUMS weight, ages 1-99
  • Table 3: PUMS weight, ages 20-64
  • Table 4: Household weight, ages 20-64
  1. All tables show that weighting methods do not alter the final calculation. Is that correct? How do these weighting methods influence the data, if at all?
  2. Are the calculations valid? The consistent outputs of Table 1, Table 2, and S0801 strengthen my confidence in my calculations, but I want to be sure.

Thank you very much for your assistance!

 Travel Time Calculation ACS 2019.xlsx