S1703 at the tract level?

Since when is S1703 not available at the tract level? I've emailed my contact at the Census Bureau, but in the meantime, can somebody walk me back from the edge? This is super basic information that our municipalities always ask us for (grant applications, etc.), and I can't believe it's not there anymore.



  • It's a subject table. Selected Characteristics of People at Specified Levels of Poverty. It's the only place I know of to find a simplified table of poverty by race.
  • Hi Julie,

    Did you ever find out more about this? It is pretty amazing that it was just dropped without notice. It looks like the more detailed poverty by age by race tables still exist at the tract level, but I know it isn't as simple a search. (For example, B17001B Poverty status in the past 12 months by sex by age (Black or African American alone))

    I'll be interested to hear what you find out. I keep an index to all the poverty cross tabs (as you say, very useful for non-profits and social service providers), and I should drop S1701, S1702 and S1703 if they are now extinct.) Here's a link to the guide if you have any to add (or drop!) guides.lib.berkeley.edu/c.php

  • I've heard nothing. Amazing, isn't it?
  • Hi Julie,

    I'm sorry you have not received a response, but the Census Bureau does not actively monitor postings in data user groups. If you have ACS questions that you need answered by someone at the Census Bureau, please email us directly at: acso.data.user@census.gov. That is by far the best way to ensure an answer!

    Table S1703 is a special population profile (SPP) meaning that due to the small subpopulation of the variable and the crosses in the tabulations, there are certain population thresholds that need to be met for these tables to be released. SPPs are only released for geographies with populations of 500,000 or more AND each specific universe for that geography must be at least 65,000 or more for 1-Year and 7,000 or more for 5-Year. S1703 is a very detailed poverty table with very small subpopulations (e.g., below 50 percent of poverty) with some very fine crosses (e.g., foreign born or with a disability). The other two poverty topic table (S1701 and S1702) are available for all geographies in the 1-Year and all non-overlapping geographies in the 5-Year.

    I did a quick check of S1703 and there are very few tracts available in past years. Are there tracts in particular you are looking for that were available in previous years and aren't this year?

    KaNin Reese
    ACS Data Products
    SEHSD-U.S. Census Bureau