Regression Analysis using ACS 5 year estimates



I am grad student at NC State working with a fellow student on a project involving ArcGIS and ACS 5-year estimate data. We would like to construct a model using ordinary least squares (and eventually geographically weighted regression) with various ACS variables as independent variables. I am unsure how to incorporate the MOEs included in ACS data into these models.


Any help for a newbie at using survey data to construct models accurately (particularly in ArcGIS) is much appreciated!




  • Hi Jacob,

    In addition to using the MOEs to evaluate the data quality up front, you might also consider using them to do some sensitivity analysis on your estimated coefficients. For example, estimate your model with the reported estimates and then re-estimate using values from the top or bottom of the confidence interval for a particular variable and see how much it affects your model results.

    Best wishes!
  • Thanks for the recommendations, I will be trying these out shortly and let you know how it goes.
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