Technical Difficulties with making a map


I am unable to make a map using American factfinder. Any time I try to make a map using any kind of data, I get an error where the map reads nothing. What is going on here? Is there an issue with the website at the moment?

  • There is no legend and there is nothing visual showing up on the map aside from the base map. This is what I mean by "I get an error".

  • happy to help but going to need more information than this in order to do so. ideally, share your work: put it in a pen on codepen, fiddle on jsfiddle, gist on github, etc, or your own space on your server. offhand, i'd say check devtools in your browser and see if console is returning anything. That is most likely going to show if and/or where you are having an error(s). But again, this is offhand and very limited, because without your source code we are just throwing things at the wall.
  • Are you referring to the "Map View" of the data when you query data? I just tried it in 3 different browsers (Chrome, IE, and Edge) and it did NOT work for me either. I would guess there is an issue with the server and since the government has been shut down they have not been able to maintain things. Good news, though, they should all be back to work today, so perhaps this will get working.

    I would suggest clicking on the "Feedback" link at the upper right of the page and providing them with the details on your error. I'll do that as well so perhaps this issue will get resolved.

    here is a link to a basic map of total pop by state that I tried to display and got the same results as you - just the base map and no data displayed. Legend says "no legend" (that's so not helpful!)