Census FTP interface

Hi. Is there a way to access Census data files (such as TIGER files) through an actual FTP interface? I'm trying to download all the files on this page (https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2015/TRACT/), however, it not being an actual FTP interface, it requires manual clicking on each file to download. I know there used to be such an interface, but I can't find it.




  • I can't speak to the (non)existence of an FTP interface, but I have used several different tools for automating the tedious manual-clicking process. For Chrome, I use the Simple Mass Downloader extension. For Firefox, I've used DownThemAll extension. With either of these, you can use wildcards or regexp to download (say) all the zip files linked on a page. 

  • AFAIK ftp has been deprecated by the team; something along the lines of it being insecure, and "no one uses it".
    I'm not aware of any real ftp implementation, but do know the faux one referred to here.
    I'm incredibly excited to hear about DownloadThemAll being available in Firefox once again! When Firefox switched how their plug-ins/ecosystem worked, DTA stopped working and looked like it might not be coming back.
    This encouraged me to learn more about WGET and cURL, which are far more powerful, and dead simple stupid, once you get the hang of them.
    That said, now that I know DTA is back up, time to be lazy again!
  • yeah, I was sorely dismayed when DTA stopped working. I actually just learned of the new version while looking it up for my reply to !
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