Area Median Income / Family Median Income by US County


I'm struggling to find what I thought would be a simple data set:

List of US Counties (County) with AMI for each county (optional with US Census Tract ID)

Nice to have: List of US Counties with Targeted Area Designation (Yes or No)

I have the tareted area dataset for Maryland, but hoping to find the resource to get the data at the national level:

Parents Reply
  • It’s tricky. Looking for data to match this, for example, in DC:

    Friday, July 17, 2020

    Maximum Household Income Limits, rents and purchase prices are based on the Washington Metropolitan Statistical Area 2020 Median Family Income (MFI), previously referred to as Area Median Income (AMI), of $126,000 for a household of four, as published by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on April 1, 2020.

    it seems that I will have to apply an inflation rate to the HUD table. But some housing agencies have the current data so just trying to match that as much as possible.

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