I would like to gather data on digital connectivity in some specific areas of Kansas City. Ideally, by zip code, but so far the most granular I have been able to get is by county. Is there something else available that might get me this information at the zip code level or something more granular? The categories below or something similar would be ideal. Basically, we are looking to obtain data in the lower income communities. When I pull it by county, it's not providing the true picture for these communities.
Try census tract or block group. Much better than zip codes. Zip codes are created to deliver mail not for statistics. I worked on a study in Forsyth County, North Carolina using block group data. it's not published yet, but some of the early maps and data are shown in this presentation So you can see some of the data available. The full report is at the printer so if you're interested it will be on this website hopefully in the next week or two. But you may find other examples in the plans listed on the website here.
Very interesting website! there are a lot of good resources listed here and several interesting analyses using ACS data.
I agree with JamiRae. If you want to crunch the data yourself, you probably want ACS 5-year data tables B28001 (Types of Computers in Household) and B28002 (Presence and Types of Internet Subscriptions in Household). For example, here is a Data.Census.gov link to get table B28001 for all tracts in Jackson County, Missouri:Census - Table Results
Thank you. I see Kansas City, MO is in the list. Hopefully that same list will be updated in the next week or two also.
@david! One thing I haven't learned quite yet is how to determine the areas I'm looking at and what their census tracts are but your query is a great start! I'll study up on that and see if I can figure that out.
Thank you!
Check out the TigerWeb - it's one way to see the block groups. You'll need to zoom in and turn on the layers under "Census Tracts and Blocks" https://tigerweb.geo.census.gov/tigerweb/or.. probably easier is to click on the "maps" icon in data.census.gov and set your geography to Census Block Group. You'll need to be sure you're using the 5-year estimates of course. here's some basic info on how to use the map feature on data.census.gov https://www2.census.gov/data/api-documentation/using-data-census-gov-mapping.pdf?
The universal geography conversion tool is https://mcdc.missouri.edu/applications/geocorr.html (and if you are on the MO side of KC, KC_Researcher, you'd be eligible to talk with the gang and see if they can offer anything additional.)
Thank you so much everyone! You have all been so helpful! I will dig into all these links today and report back with any follow up questions. Thank you again, I just love this forum!
The City Health Dashboard also provides a broadband connectivity metric for census tracts - you can find Kansas City, MO here! We have documentation of variables chosen on the website as well. www.cityhealthdashboard.com/.../metric-detail