• OMB Approves 2016 ACS Content Changes

    On June 30, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved the Census Bureau’s proposal to make the following changes based on the 2014 ACS Content Review:

    1. Remove the question concerning business or medical office on property
    2. Retain the question…
  • RE: Questions on How To Count Workers

    Hi Peter. Since you are already familiar with the COW class of worker) and NAICSP fields, I will just comment on other important fields for classifying part-time and full-time workers. ESR (Employment Status Recode) can help you zero in on those who…
  • RE: Forecasting race/ethnicity proportions at city scale

    Hi , and . Thanks for the helpful tips! Just adding a couple more thoughts and background here.

    's mention of a conceptual model reminded me that, in the face of an exogenous shock like the current…

  • RE: Educational attainment data VS CPS ASEC

    Hey Tom, Bernie,

    Thank you both for replying! Particular Tom, for your warm recommendations.

    In regards to the PUMS age universe setting, I double checked on the parameters and it shouldn't have caused any issues. The statistically significant difference…

  • ICYMI: U.S. Census Bureau Released New Data Visualization Tools

    In case you missed it, the Census Bureau released two new data visualization tools on September 14th. These tools allow you to explore selected statistics from the 2016 ACS 1-year estimates.

     ACS Data Wheel: Explore selected statistics for all 50 states, the…

  • RE: Estimating downtown populations

    Good question. Since I was offering advice to another user I am not how he would go about answering this question. If I were the one faced with this task I think I would have to approach this question on a case by case basis. I am not aware of general…
  • RE: New website using ACS Data

    As people probably know, there are two websites the produce data and amps using the ACS.

    There is our website, Social Explorer, which is available at over 300 libraries and has over 500 individual subscribers, along with other institutional subscribers…
  • U.S. Census Bureau Releases Documentation Supporting the 2012-2016 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Estimates

    We are pleased to announce the first release of documentation in support of the 2012-2016 American Community Survey 5-year estimates scheduled for release on Thursday, December 7, 2017. This documentation offers ACS data users the opportunity to prepare…

  • 2017 ACS Data Release Schedule


    2017 American Community Survey 1-year Estimates

    The 2017 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year estimates will be released on Thursday, September 13, 2018.  These data will be available for the nation, all states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico…

  • Call for Presentations - Webinar: Use of Multiple Census Data Sets for Transportation Planning

    Data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau is used to develop various products that support transportation planning. Examples include the American Community Survey (ACS), Census Transportation Planning Products (CTPP), Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics…