ACS Subjects not available for block groups?

Hi all,

I'm trying to find ACS 2011-2015 data for block groups, but evidently some of the tables I'm interested in (e.g. B26001 - Population in Group Quarters) are not available for block groups. 

I can't find anything in the handbooks or on the ACS website that mentions some tables being available for tracts but not block groups - indeed, the handbooks frequently mention that all data is available down to the block group level.

Can anyone verify that some tables are actually not available, and that I'm not making an error in my search? And if this is true, what might the reason for this exclusion be?


Parents Reply
  • That's the 2010 Decennial Census (not ACS). That may be a good alternative if you need block group data. I imagine they were able to include this data at the block group given that this is full census data, not sample data.