• Data Suppression Question

    I am looking at table B19013 for Median Household Income in a particular CBG (Block Group 4, Census Tract 42, Tulare County, California) and the 2021 5 year estimate is missing.  It was present in the 2019 5 year estimate table, however.  The guide to data…

  • Suppressed data in the 2022 5-year estimates that have never been suppressed before

    We have noticed there are quite a few -666666666 values in the 2018-2022 5-year ACS estimates. These are for variables that have always had values previously. For example, B19067_001 (cash public assistance income). Out of the 31,895 CDPs we are interested…

  • Data Suppression 5-Year Estimates

    Two questions from reading up on ACS data suppression (https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/technical-documentation/data-suppression.html) as background for understanding why there might be missing estimates (-666666666) at the block group level…

  • RE: cell suppression -6666666 code in tables downloaded using api

    I usually look at measures by county, I run all the counties and see what percent have data (not -666666 etc.)  If its less than 60 or 70% I have to see what other related measures are and what their percentage of valid numbers is. It would be great if…

  • Aggregate dollar values suppressed for small geos

    I'm looking at table B19067, "AGGREGATE PUBLIC ASSISTANCE INCOME IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2015 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS) FOR HOUSEHOLDS". Looking at block groups, last year, for the 2010-2014 ACS, there were 131,952 block groups with data (the rest…

  • RE: Has anyone used the Postal change of address data? Interesting compare I would think.

    Careful — a lot of data suppression as you’ll see if you try adding up nationally or by state — more outmoves than inmoves meaning a lot of inmoves are unaccounted for. Cells less than 10 suppressed is the apparent reason, you can make some dent by estimating…

  • RE: Filling in missing tract-level median household income data from 2021 ACS 5 yr estimates

    Can we belabor the missing tracts for a moment? Reason 2? When you say no HHs in the tract do you mean samples? For special tabs and in some of the early ACS disclosure literature the Bureau uses the phrasing, "3 or more cases are required to publish…

  • RE: Many NULL or missing values for Block Group level disability and senior related data

    It's common for data to be suppressed when there isn't a sufficient sample size. The suppression takes place to protect information about the respondents in those areas and to limit unreliable statistics. In many cases there are limited numbers of…

  • RE: unemployment data by zip code and by race?

    Try the C23002 race series (with letters A-I at the end). Some data for smaller populations could be suppressed. Here's the link for C23002B (Black -- each zip had data) - I don't use the A race letter for White as prefer non-Hispanic White under letter…

  • RE: seeking help - downloading ACS data & maintaining all geographies in tact

    Thanks Mark - When I read this data, it says that the data suppression does not apply to the 5 year estimates. Can you clarify what might be happening here? What other tables might be useful?